Our Funding
Parkdale Intercultural Association is a non-for-profit charitable organization that depends on
funding supports from all three levels of government in order to provide free community
services to all residents of Parkdale. Our main sources of funding are:
The Settlement Program (SP formerly ISAP)
Our Settlement Program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
The purpose of SP is to support the settlement and adaption of newcomers to Canada by funding settlement organizations to provide direct services to their clients. SP is intended to help facilitate a smoother transition of new immigrants when they arrive in Canada by helping to provide them with guidance and knowledge to meet their basic settlement needs independently, and to adapt to life in Canada.
(source: www.cic.gc.ca/resources/evaluation/isap/2011/section2.asp)
The Newcomer Settlement Program (NSP)
Our NSP program is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Citizenship & Immigration Division.
The goal of the NSP program is to support the successful settlement and integration of newcomers to Ontario. This Support is delivered by a province-wide network of community-base not-for-profit agencies that assist newcomers in settling and integrating into communities across Ontario. Settlement agencies provide newcomers in settling and integrating into communities across Ontario. Settlement agencies provide newcomers with information, guidance and support during the settlement process, and connect newcomers to services and resources int he broader community.
(source: http://www.grants.gov.on.ca/GrantsPortal/en/OntarioGrants/GrantOpportunities/OSAPQA005153)
The Community Service Partnership Program (CSP)
Our CSP Program is funded by the City of Toronto. This program provides on-going and stable support to Toronto’s not-for-profit community organizations to deliver on their missions. CSP funding enables community organizations to offer high quality and relevant services that respond to the changing needs of the community and strengthen the city’s well-being.
(source: http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=f6585f2e940f1410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD)